This might just be the worst album I could name. I don't know how possible it is to make something worse than this. I guess it starts off... Well it starts off bad, but not totally horrendous. Father of All... is almost average, but then it gets a little worse, and then it turns into total shit. It feels like someone had seen Dawn of the Dead and really liked it on an aethetic level but didn't understand any of the themes and just took that surface level enjoyment as inspiration for a punk album having never heard a punk song in their life or really knowing what it meant.
The music is boring, the lyrics are the worst kind of childish, and basically every song here is a totally redundant string of edgy clichés that don't even really make any sense. Half of the lines in here are just detours to remind you that they think they're punk because they're super edgy and the other half are an uninspired, broad finger point to the name of the song.
Even some of the better songs on the album are still surface level, just less reliant on clichés so as to hide it better. Father of All is one of those (although clichés are still very present), and I would love to say Junkies on a High is too, because there is promise there relative to the rest of the album, but unfortunately it comes across like someone said "let's make an experimental song" with no actual idea behind it.
I think it would be difficult to make a worse album, because I genuinely think it'd require the intent to make something terrible, which takes self-awareness, which means making some kind of statement, even if it's a joke. This is just a hollow cashgrab from a band that has become increasingly desperate for attention but which has nothing to actually say when they have it. Happy 5th anniversary to the album that took a shit on my passion for my favourite band growing up and irreparably ruined their reputation in my eyes.